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Life at IHNA

Awareness Days – Educating and Equipping

Have you ever wondered why there are so many awareness days?

It seems every month we are inundated with information on some new cause. It can be overwhelming, leaving you with the thoughts as to why it’s all necessary. It may be daunting to keep track of the rising number of days on the calendar dedicated to raising awareness for various issues. While it’s easy to dismiss them all as idle chatter, there’s more to these days than we might think.One of the biggest tools we have to fight health conditions is the power of human connection. That is why health awareness months, weeks, and days are so important: they bring people together to raise awareness and show support for a common cause.

Awareness is a loaded word, one that can be used almost anywhere just to fill that gap. The gap which breaks our sentences because of the gap in our thoughts, the gap we know is to be filled with just the right word when we have got just the right thing. Awareness can mean a lot of things. It can mean truth, it can mean knowledge, it can mean observation, purposefulness, senses and sight, happiness, nothing and everything, almost anything. But all that all of it amounts to is empowerment.

IHNA tries its best to keep their students updated with all the monthly awareness days through our social media channels and our website.

At IHNA we believe in the holistic enrichment of the body, mind and soul. We believe if one is aware one can empower.

All these important awareness days are covered through various posters, infographics, gifs images and blogs.

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