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IHNA receives, McMillan Woods Global Awards 2018 in “Nursing & Healthcare Training Excellence.”

06 December 2018

We are proud to announce that Health Careers International Pty Ltd (IHNA), has been awarded the prestigious McMillan Woods Global Awards “Nursing & Healthcare Training Excellence” Award 2018.

Our CEO Mr Kunnumpurath Bijo received the award at a glittering ceremony on Wednesday, 23rd May 2018. The event was held at the McMillan Woods Global Awards ceremony at Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The award recognizes global leaders as “the leaders behind the industries”.

McMillan Woods Global Award Recipients embody sterling qualities of success, determination, assuredness and responsibility, and above all integrity which are the essence of good governance. As a McMillan recipient, IHNA joins a special collective group of people who are forever bound by the ideals of responsible, sustainable and successful enterprise.

We wholeheartedly thank all IHNA staff and students for their hard work, sincerity and support without which this recognition would not have been possible.