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Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing – Neonatal Nursing

CHC43115 – Certificate IV in Disability


Caring for newborns with significant medical issues demands a skilled team with specialised expertise. As a neonatal nurse specialist, your focus will be on providing supportive health care of newborns.

Graduate Certificate in Neonatal Nursing will enhance your current nursing knowledge and abilities by focusing on neonatal nursing methods and specialised talents. You will feel confident in your ability to use these abilities when giving nursing care to a sick infant and assistance to the family.

This online course is intended to equip you as an expert in this very demanding field of nursing. This area of nursing is a highly technical one that requires the ability to provide complex care by concentrating on newborn evaluation and nursing management. You will use clinical reasoning skills and evidence-based specialised nursing knowledge.

Students will learn how to:

  • Critically analyse the neonatal nurse’s duties, functions, and scope of practise in newborn situations such as preterm delivery, congenital malformations, respiratory illness, birth trauma, peripartum hypoxia, brain damage, and metabolic disorders
  • Apply critical thinking processes, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills to the evaluation and management of nursing care delivered to newborns within the neonatal condition in collaboration with the healthcare team
  • Demonstrate leadership within a multidisciplinary healthcare team in order to provide excellent therapeutic treatment to newborn clients
  • Conduct an analysis of the legal, ethical, social, cultural, and political issues that influence the delivery of person-centered healthcare
  • Recognize, evaluate, and use current evidence-based nursing strategies while caring for newborn clients

The Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing also serves as a gateway for individuals interested in pursuing a Master of Nursing degree in Australia, either on-campus or online.

Course Details

skills-badgeCHC43115 – Certificate IV in Disability

You could be eligible for
RPL or CT RPL : Recognition of Prior Learning
CT : Credit Transfer

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Internationally qualified nurses (RNs, GNMs, ANMs, PCL nurses) can receive RPL for this course and study the supplementary skillset CHCSS00070 – Assist Clients with Medication Skill Set in conjunction with the course to complete their qualification. Fees are AUD $1,250 , which includes professional experience placement.

Amount of Training:  26 Weeks
AQF Level :8
Course Delivery : Online
IHNA Policies, Procedures & Forms
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CHC43115 – Certificate IV in Disability

“This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding”

CHC43115 – Certificate IV in Disability
  • Amount of Training is 26 Weeks
  • Online delivery
  • Available to domestic and international students

Successful completion of this course requires you to complete the following units:

Unit Code Unit Name Credit Points
N9001 Professional Issues and Policies in Nursing 12
N8010 Neonatal Nursing 12
N8011 Professional Reflection in Neonatal Nursing 8

With the Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing – Neonatal Nursing in hand, you’ll be able to work professionally as a:

Use the advanced knowledge gained from the course to pursue further education

  • Post graduate certificate in neonatal nursing
  • Master of nursing
  • Master of advanced nursing practice, then leads to neonatal nurse practitioner (NNP)
  • Path way to PhD in nursing
  • It provides advanced knowledge and skills for the provision and coordination of evidence-based care for the neonate and the family in a clinical setting & enhances career advancement as:

  • Entry to metropolitan tertiary hospital NICU environment (Advanced neonatal clinical care)
  • Leadership roles: Research nurse
  • Clinical nurse specialist
  • Clinical support nurse and nurse educator role
  • Research nurse
  • Nurse unit managers, case manager (care manager)
  • Neurodevelopmental care nurse
  • Discharge planning coordinators
  • Lactation nurse consultants
  • Eye nurse( retinopathy screening nurse across Victoria)

The total tuition cost for Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing – Neonatal Nursing is:

Tuition Fee : AUD $8,000



To be eligible for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing – Neonatal Nursing specialisation an applicant is required to:

  • Have completed a Bachelor of Nursing degree or an equivalent qualification
  • Be an AHPRA registered nurse; or
  • Be a registered nurse with the Nurses’ Board/Council from the country of origin or place of residence
  • Registered Nurses having a three-year Diploma Of Nursing qualification and at least three years of experience as a registered nurse are eligible to enrol in this course

English Language proficiency requirement for International Students:

  • Nurses currently registered and working in English Speaking Countries do not need this requirement. The recognised countries are: Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland and South Africa, or
  • Direct entry through a pass in English for Academic Purpose (EAP) course with the minimum score of 70%
  • Applicants must have concurrent employment (or access to) in the Neonatal Nursing and one- year of full‐time post‐registration clinical experience
  1. Application: Submit your online application by clicking “Apply Now” on the top right corner of the course page.
  2. Interview: Once you’ve met IHNA’s eligibility criteria you will be contacted for an interview with an admissions consultant
  3. Offer Letter: If you’re successful with the interview you will be offered a place for the course as per the availability of each intake.
  4. Enrolment Fee: After signing the offer acceptance an invoice will be issued for the course. You may be eligible for government funding, so please call our team to know more.
  5. Confirmation of Admission: Once you’ve paid the enrollment fee, we’ll send a confirmation of admission to you.

* Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders’ students are encouraged to apply.

Call us on 1800 22 52 83 for any questions regarding your application.

Awards Received by IHNA
