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HLT54121 - Diploma of Nursing


HLT54121 – Diploma of Nursing is a nationally accredited course that supersedes HLT54115-Diploma of Nursing. This 18-month course delivers the essential nursing skills and knowledge required to be eligible as an Enrolled Nurse with Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA).

Enrol in a state-of-the-art facility where quality meets your learning needs. We offer a great environment to complete your studies with qualified Nurse Educators, support staff, highly advanced nursing labs, libraries, classrooms, and online interactive learning platform with 24/7 student support online.

The HLT54121 – Diploma of Nursing qualification reflects the role of an Enrolled Nurse (EN) working under the direct or indirect supervision of a Registered Nurse (RN). You will learn and practice how to administer medicines & intravenous therapy, wound management, basic to advanced nursing skills within the scope of enrolled nursin g (including care of the clients with acute, chronic & mental health conditions, diabetes, and care of older clients), effective communication, research, leadership, and telehealth.

The HLT54121 – Diploma of Nursing course complies with the Registered Training Organisations Standards 2015, the Enrolled Nurse Accreditation Standards 2017 (NMBA), and Enrolled nurse standards for practice 2016.

Course Start Dates

Melbourne CBD

Blended Delivery

Jul 4, 2022
Sep 5, 2022
Nov 7, 2022
Mar 7, 2023
Jul 3, 2023
Sep 4, 2023
Nov 6, 2023

Sydney (Parramatta)

Blended Delivery

Jul 4, 2022
Sep 5, 2022
Nov 7, 2022
Mar 7, 2023
Jul 3, 2023
Sep 4, 2023
Nov 6, 2023

Perth (SGT)

Blended Delivery

Jul 4, 2022
Sep 5, 2022
Nov 7, 2022
Mar 7, 2023
Jul 3, 2023
Sep 4, 2023
Nov 6, 2023

Course Details

HLT54121 - Diploma of Nursing

You could be eligible for
RPL or CT ?RPL : Recognition of Prior Learning
CT : Credit Transfer

Know More
Amount of Training :  1540 Hours
AQF Level :5
CRICOS Code :108323F
Course Delivery : Blended
Campuses : Melbourne CBD, Sydney (Parramatta) and Perth (SGT)
Organisation delivering the program :Institute of Health and Nursing Australia (RTO ID: 21985)
Organisation issuing certification :Institute of Health and Nursing Australia (RTO ID: 21985)
IHNA Policies, Procedures & Forms
Check this course currency on the National Register of VET
HLT54121 - Diploma of Nursing

Student Testimonials

  • 78 weeks full time
  • Amount of Training is 1540 Hours
  • Blended
  • Available to domestic and international students

25 units are required for the award for this qualification including:

  • 20 core units
  • 5 elective units


CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
HLTENN035 Practise nursing within the Australian health care system
HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status
HLTENN036 Apply communication skills in nursing practice
HLTINF006 Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care
HLTENN037 Perform clinical assessment and contribute to planning nursing care
HLTENN041 Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice
HLTENN045 Implement and monitor care of the older person
HLTENN068 Provide end of life care and a palliative approach in nursing practice
120 hours of PEP in aged-care setting


CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety
HLTENN039 Apply principles of wound management in the clinical environment
HLTAAP003 Analyse and respond to client health information
HLTENN040 Administer and monitor medicines and intravenous therapy
HLTENN043 Implement and monitor care for a person with acute health conditions
HLTENN057 Contribute to nursing care of a person with diabetes
BSBPEF402 Develop personal work priorities
120 hours of PEP in sub-acute care setting


BSBLDR414 Lead team effectiveness
HLTENN044 Implement and monitor care for a person with chronic health conditions
HLTENN047 Apply nursing practice in the primary health care setting
CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice
CHCPOL003 Research and apply evidence to practice
HLTENN038 Implement, monitor and evaluate nursing care
HLTENN042 Implement and monitor care for a person with mental health conditions
HLTADM001 Administer and coordinate Telehealth services
160 hours of PEP in acute care setting

Upon successful registration with NMBA graduates may gain employment in various healthcare facilities, which may include:

  • Hospitals
  • Day respite centres
  • Rehabilitation centres
  • Residential group homes
  • Medical centres
  • Training resource centres
  • Open employment services
  • Other community settings and clients’ homes

Graduates who successfully complete the Diploma of Nursing program can enrol into further vocational education in specialised areas of practice or higher education programs and progress to higher learning opportunities. IHNA has articulation agreements with universities for students to pursue higher education.

HLT54121 - Diploma of Nursing

The total tuition cost for the HLT54121 – Diploma of Nursing is AUD $30,000.00 for international students.

To know more about the IHNA Fees & Charges, click here.

Melbourne (CBD) Campus
Level 5 & 6, 131 Queen Street, Melbourne, VIC – 3000, Australia
Perth Campus
Level 2, 12 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA – 6000, Australia
Sydney Campus
Level 7, 33 Argyle Street, Parramatta, NSW – 2150, Australia

IHNA has selected blended mode of delivery for this program to support students in the development of the skills and knowledge they are expected of an enrolled nurse. Blended learning means a combination of both digital learning and in-class, face-to-face learning.

  • Lectures
  • Tutorials including workshops
  • Guest lectures by industry experts, multidisciplinary teams and specialist nurses
  • Simulation Based Training (SBT)
  • Objective Structured Clinical Assessment (OSCA)
  • Professional Experience Placement (PEP)

There are no pre-requisites or any other training package entry requirements for this program. However, there are IHNA’s admission requirements for the program are as follows:

  • Successful completion of year 12 or pathway through certificate IV level qualification from the HLT or CHC training package.
  • Successful completion of the language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) test and demonstration of competence level as exit level 3 in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) in both reading and numeracy.
  • NMBA specified level of English language skills.
  • Achieve the required minimum scores in one of the following English language tests and meet the requirements for test results specified in this standard:
    • IELTS 7 in each
    • OET B in each
    • PTE 65 in each
    • TOEFL 94
      • 24 for listening
      • 24 for reading
      • 27 for writing
      • 23 for speaking
  • Basic computer literacy

Students are given clear information regarding assessment and program progression requirements prior to commencing the program through offer letter, acceptance of agreement and by way of information provided on the Website in various forms.

Prior to enrolment, students are also informed regarding program progression and assessment requirements during the pre-training review (PTR). The requirements are further communicated to students during orientations prior to the commencement of the program.

Students are directed to Canvas LMS for unit guides that include assessment requirements and course progression. The details of the assessments are elaborated below:

  • Formative assessments
  • Summative assessment
  • Simulation Based Training (SBT) and Objective Structured Clinical Assessment (OSCA)
  • Formative assessment during PEP
  • Summative assessment during PEP
  • Summary for PEP Assessments
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

IHNA has a methodical RPL process, which is outlined in detail in the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy.

Prospective students will be notified of the RPL policy and process prior to enrolment into the program, via orientation, discussions, Student Handbook and/or through our website. They are encouraged to apply if they believe that they may be eligible.

Students are encouraged to apply for RPL prior to or immediately after formal enrolment but prior to the facilitated delivery of units to ensure that they do not miss any class/simulated lab practice opportunities offered should they be unsuccessful in the RPL process. Students are given an RPL kit showing the units they need to complete and methods for demonstrating competency in those units.

IHNA assessors who satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors and hold current registration as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, will assess the candidate’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.

IHNA assessors who satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors and hold current registration as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, will assess the candidate’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.

The RPL process will not be applied to any HLTENN units if the prior learning was not in a related nursing discipline.

Credit Transfer (CT)

Credit Transfer (CT) for HLTENN units is granted only for students who complete a Diploma of Nursing program accredited by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and approved as ‘an approved program of study’ by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) in accordance with the Enrolled Nurse Accreditation Standards.

Applicants for Credit Transfer must complete the credit transfer application form, attach a copy of a verified Award or Statement of Attainment and submit the application to the course coordinator/delegate.

The course coordinator/delegate must check the Award or Statement of Attainment and grant Credit Transfer for identical units that have been identified as being completed at another Registered Training Organisation or through USI registry.

Verified copies of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment used as the basis for granting Credit Transfer must be placed in the student files.

The student and the course coordinator/delegate must sign the completed Credit Transfer record.

Granting of Credit Transfer must be recorded as a unit outcome in the student’s file. Student’s individual training plans will be adjusted to reflect any Credit Transfer granted.

  1. Application: Submit your online application by clicking “Apply Now” on the top right corner of the course page.
  2. Interview: Once you’ve met IHNA’s eligibility criteria you will be contacted for an interview with an admissions consultant
  3. Offer Letter: If you’re successful with the interview you will be offered a place for the course as per the availability of each intake.
  4. Enrolment Fee: After signing the offer acceptance an invoice will be issued for the course. You may be eligible for government funding, so please call our team to know more.
  5. Confirmation of Admission: We will issue a conformation of admission once the enrolment fee has been received.

Call us on 1800 22 52 83 for any questions regarding your application.

Related Blogs

Academic team for Diploma of Nursing for International Students

Campus Tour Video

Awards Received by IHNA
